
Born in Grenoble in 1952 and died in 2025, Étienne obtained a degree in plastic arts in Marseille before entering the École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts in Paris.
Étienne’s work evokes all aspects of human life. His sculptures reflect intense moments: human, spiritual and artistic encounters.
To some extent abstract, but always figurative, they all have symbolic value.
With tenacity, he sees his creations as a means of defending fundamental human values: love, motherhood, friendship, faith. He starts from the principle that all beauty is eternal joy.
Étienne cuts out his subjects, purifies them, splits them right down to their essence – a hand, a face, a look – to achieve a constant, balanced harmony that is both constructive and expressive.
Bronze allows him to explore the chromatic diversity of the patina and to play with the gradation of colors, including the polished finish.