
Influential and mysterious figure on the Italian art scene, Mario Matera was born in Andria during the Italian revolution of 1968. At the age of 17, he explored various artistic disciplines, moving from illustrator to caricaturist to graphic designer. For several years, he ventured into the world of cinema, supervising the visual aspects of commercials, short films and feature films. Throughout his artistic career, his technique has constantly evolved, moving from dense pencil drawings to more fluid, layered surfaces in his current works.
Mario Matera is renowned for his works that evoke meditation and invite introspection. His ‘CHAOS’ series celebrates the complexity and beauty of the human experience through portraits painted using innovative and daring techniques.
One of the most fascinating aspects of this series is the coexistence of sharp details, such as eyes, lips and noses, with fragmented outlines that overlap in controlled chaos. This technique creates a complex and mysterious atmosphere, inviting the viewer to explore the multiple facets of her personality.